Yehuda Diamond Company is located in New York City in the heart of the diamond district on 424 Madison suite 1401 NY NY 10017

If you have any questions about the company, the web site or the products you see featured, please use the online contact form below

Or you may call our Toll Free Number Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST at 1-800-934-8320

If you are looking for a specific item that you can’t find on the site, please let us know and we will try to find that item for you.

    Yehuda Diamond Company is located in New York City in the heart of the diamond district on 5th Avenue between 47th & 48th Street

    If you have any questions about the company, the web site or the products you see featured, please use the online contact form below

    Or you may call our Toll Free Number Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST at 1-800-934-8320

    If you are looking for a specific item that you can’t find on the site, please let us know and we will try to find that item for you.